We are so thrilled to be planning the Twin Cities Brides Against Breast Cancer Nationwide Gown Tour Event! This event hasn't come to the Twin Cities for quite a few years and we are excited to be sponsoring it. It will be happening on May 14th and 15th at the Marriott West in St. Louis Park. Jill at the Marriott is fabulous to work with and it is such a beautiful hotel with a contemporary look with splashes of dark red.
This fundraiser is basically a bridal shop on wheels. It is the largest fundraiser for an organization called Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation, headquartered in Oregon. Making Memories grants wishes to stage IV breast cancer patients. All sales from the gown tour go toward making these wishes happen. Many of the wishes are video cameras to record the remainder of the patients lives. Other wishes are trips.
Wedding gowns are donated to Making Memories throughout the year from past brides, manufacturers, designers, and bridal shops. The gowns are put on a truck and travel to over 40 cities for a gown sale. The price for most gowns start at $99. Couture gowns are 35-75% off of retail price. Veils, tiaras, shoes, and other accessories will also be on sale.
General Admission is free and takes place on Friday from 12-8 and Saturday from 10-6. Brides are encouraged to go to www.bridesagainstbreastcancer.org to register for the event. There will be Power Hours on Friday from 10-12. These Power Hours are the first opportnity to take a look at the dresses and make a purchase. It is $20 per person. You can purchase a ticket on www.bridesagainstbreastcancer.org in advance.
If you want to help in some other way, here are a few ways that you can:
1. Volunteer - Here is a breakdown of what times/dates we still need coverage for. Please let me know if you are interested in signing up for a shift or three.
Thursday, May 13th
5 pm -8 pm: Set up the event (Unload the gowns, arrange the dresses and accessories, etc.)
Friday, May 14th
4 pm - 8 pm: General Sale hours: Assist brides in gown selections, run dresses back to the racks, keep accessories and shoes organized, assist with merchandise sale, etc.)
Saturday, May 15th
10 am - 2 pm: See General Sale hours above
2 pm - 6 pm: See General Sale hours above
6 pm - 9 pm: Tear down (Repack dresses, load racks on trucks, etc.)
2. Pass this event information on to anyone that you think is interested in volunteering OR attending the event to purchase a gown.
3. Or, if you have a gown or know someone that has a gown that they want to donate, they can bring it to our office before the event. The office is a drop off site for dresses all year long. But, if they bring it here before the event, we can put it on the truck instead of shipping it to their headquarters in Oregon. Any dresses that are put on the truck go directly to headquarters for cleaning and processing. They then go to a different city. They would love the gowns to be from 2006 or newer.
4. If you know of anyone that is a stage IV breast cancer patient and they may want a wish, they can go to the main website and ask for wish information. www.bridesagainastbrastcancer.org.
5. If you are a wedding vendor, we have two more tables for "booths" for sale. If you are interested, please contact Lora at At Your Service Weddings
For more information on this event, please go to www.bridesagainstbreastcancer.org. There is a flier on their site that has our local event information.
This fundraiser is basically a bridal shop on wheels. It is the largest fundraiser for an organization called Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation, headquartered in Oregon. Making Memories grants wishes to stage IV breast cancer patients. All sales from the gown tour go toward making these wishes happen. Many of the wishes are video cameras to record the remainder of the patients lives. Other wishes are trips.
Wedding gowns are donated to Making Memories throughout the year from past brides, manufacturers, designers, and bridal shops. The gowns are put on a truck and travel to over 40 cities for a gown sale. The price for most gowns start at $99. Couture gowns are 35-75% off of retail price. Veils, tiaras, shoes, and other accessories will also be on sale.
General Admission is free and takes place on Friday from 12-8 and Saturday from 10-6. Brides are encouraged to go to www.bridesagainstbreastcancer.org to register for the event. There will be Power Hours on Friday from 10-12. These Power Hours are the first opportnity to take a look at the dresses and make a purchase. It is $20 per person. You can purchase a ticket on www.bridesagainstbreastcancer.org in advance.
If you want to help in some other way, here are a few ways that you can:
1. Volunteer - Here is a breakdown of what times/dates we still need coverage for. Please let me know if you are interested in signing up for a shift or three.
Thursday, May 13th
5 pm -8 pm: Set up the event (Unload the gowns, arrange the dresses and accessories, etc.)
Friday, May 14th
4 pm - 8 pm: General Sale hours: Assist brides in gown selections, run dresses back to the racks, keep accessories and shoes organized, assist with merchandise sale, etc.)
Saturday, May 15th
10 am - 2 pm: See General Sale hours above
2 pm - 6 pm: See General Sale hours above
6 pm - 9 pm: Tear down (Repack dresses, load racks on trucks, etc.)
2. Pass this event information on to anyone that you think is interested in volunteering OR attending the event to purchase a gown.
3. Or, if you have a gown or know someone that has a gown that they want to donate, they can bring it to our office before the event. The office is a drop off site for dresses all year long. But, if they bring it here before the event, we can put it on the truck instead of shipping it to their headquarters in Oregon. Any dresses that are put on the truck go directly to headquarters for cleaning and processing. They then go to a different city. They would love the gowns to be from 2006 or newer.
4. If you know of anyone that is a stage IV breast cancer patient and they may want a wish, they can go to the main website and ask for wish information. www.bridesagainastbrastcancer.org.
5. If you are a wedding vendor, we have two more tables for "booths" for sale. If you are interested, please contact Lora at At Your Service Weddings
For more information on this event, please go to www.bridesagainstbreastcancer.org. There is a flier on their site that has our local event information.